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Black and Latina workers bear the brunt of California’s low child-care wages, study finds
LA Times | February 13, 2024
Working parents scramble for child care as schools go on holiday break
LA Times | December 14, 2023
As the child care industry rebounds, it might also be at risk
Marketplace | December 13, 2023
Preschools struggle with California law limiting expulsion
LA Times | December 4, 2023
In California, child care providers unionized for better pay and retirement benefits
Marketplace | October 31, 2023
Granderson: U.S. Policy basically discourages having kids. Now our economy is paying the price
LA Times | October 16, 2023
Child care has long been ‘broken.’ Things may get worse this weekend
LA Times | September 28, 2023
Newsom Signs Legislation Investing $2 Billion in Publicly Funded Child Care
KQED | September 15, 2023
Cost of child care forces some California parents to leave jobs
Axios | August 15, 2023
California child care providers get ‘historic’ deal
KPBS | July 10, 2023
California child care costs among most expensive in US. Here’s how much it typically costs
The Modesto Bee | July 3, 2023
When your job helps the rest of America work
Vox | April 21, 2022
Creating Greater Access to California’s Early Learning and Care Programs
California Budget and Policy Center | September 28, 2023
One of every six autistic children are expelled from daycare
UC Riverside | April 12, 2023
Solutions to the Early Educator Workforce Crisis
Center for the Study of Child Care Employment, UC Berkley | March 16, 2023
Early Care and Education Programs During COVID-19
UC Berkeley Center for the Study of Child Care Employment | June 1, 2022
An Overview of California’s Subsidized Child Care & Development System
California Budget & Policy Center
Wells Fargo Economists: ‘Child Care Industry’s Problems Are Every Employer’s Problem’
Wells Fargo | March 1, 2022
“The Forgotten Ones”—The Economic Well-Being of Early Educators During COVID-19
UC Berkeley Center for the Study of Child Care Employment | February 16, 2022
Why do parents pay so much for child care when early educators earn so little?
Center for the Study of Child Care Employment, UC Berkeley | April 6, 2020
Early Childhood History, Organizing, Ethos, and Strategy Project (ECHOES)
Center for the Study of Child Care Employment, UC Berkeley